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Girder is an open source data management platform (developed by Kitware as part of the Resonant data and analytics ecosystem). It is both a standalone application and a platform for building new web services.

Demonstration video

Primary features

Example use cases


See also

Girder in Labs Workbench

This section describes specific configuration options in the Labs Workbench environment.

Required: Specify an Asset Store

On first login, you will be unable to upload files until you specify a location for Girder to save them. This can be done by creating an Assetstore.

To set up an Assetstore, log into Girder and choose Admin Console from the left-side navbar. When the Admin Console shows up, choose Assetstores.


Create a new File System assetstore with the following:

This will allow you to quickly begin test driving your instance of Girder.

Amazon S3 / HDFS

There are also two other types of Assetstores: Amazon S3 and HDFS (Hadoop Distributed Filesystem).

If you have access to either of these, you can create an Assetstore using those credentials instead.