Time | Item | Who | Notes |
| NDS update (EC/SC) [Christine] a. Update from the recent EC and SC meetings, status of NDS and future direction, NDS meetings | | - Earthcube MOU signed, everything is now in place
- Formalizes the relationship, connection to bring projects to NDS
- Custom catalog of Earthcube building blocks
- NDSC Workshop postponed
- Ideally pushing to January/July
- Co-locating with ESIP, PEARC
- No news on Arnold foundation proposal
- Joel's project to optimally run a group in line with stakeholders
- Interested in working with NDS for platform support
- NCSA funding provided through end of year, looking toward the future
- Separation between consortium from development
- Seeking funding to support consortium activities (meeting organization etc.)
- Need to finalize charter and list consortium members on the website
| Development review [Kenton] a. Present recent work and near term goals related to NDS Workbench b. Review current roadmap, milestones, etc. for NDS development team direction | | Development priorities: - https://opensource.ncsa.illinois.edu/confluence/display/NDS/Current+Team+Priorities
- Current focus is on NDS Labs as we are getting good traction
- Progress since last NDS meeting
- Pilot with Carole Palmer class - hands on experience with dataverse etc. (Mostly went well)
- Support for NSF-funded CI4 bootcamp (collaboration with TERRA-REF). 2 week bootcamp for grad students getting hands on data science experience. RStudio/Jupyter.
- Would have liked to do map reduce tutorial
- Workbench generally successful. Some load issues, but worked well.
- Earthcube all hands meeting with their building blocks included
- Internal project with Einstein toolkit (cosmology/astronomy simulation software). Basically Jupyter environment.
- ThinkChicago - hackathon with city of Chicago providing UI system with access to government city data + tools
- Press release from city of Chicago
- Container analysis workshop - bring together people working on providing interactive access to research data. Cyverse, TACC, SDSC, NDS workbench, TERRA-REF, CyberGIS
- Discussing container technology, interoperability, and use cases
- Workbench vision has been evolving
- Started as platform for discovering, analyzing, etc.
- Workshop use cases are drivers at the moment
- TERRA-REF - interactive analysis for remote data
- Connection via MWBDH National bridge inventory
 - Looking for a place to host that data (mongo) + sample data code to interact with DB
- Is this more suitable for share?
- ThinkChicago has some large datasets 10-100GB that workbench is not designed to run
- Workbench needs to be extended if we want to deal with the use case of real datasets rather than toy datasets
| Supercomputing |
| SC panel SC demo - Workbench to HPC
- Done analysis/developed code on subset of data, now ready to run large scale processing
- Most centers running singularity, many compute frameworks available
- Agave as a model for submission of batch job
- Package environment in a container, docker converted to singularity, run on HPC system
- Workbench to Cloud
- Want to export from workbench environment to run on a cloud (AWS, openstack)
- Take running config + data and generate a docker compose file
- Not considering provisioning. Rather export to a known format that could be stood up
| DOI issuing a. Discuss recent changes to EZID and migration to Datacite. |
| DataDNS proposal, directions, etc. |
| RDA and NDS a. Opportunities at upcoming RDA meeting related to NDS