This is the template for the description of tools and services made available through NDS Labs.
Short description of the tool or service and why it would be used by NDSC members.
Demonstration video
Link to a short (5 minute) demonstration of the key features of the tool or service.
Primary features
List of the top features of the tool or service
Example use cases
Short description of example use cases and links to relevant installations if appropriate.
See also
General purpose cloud-based development environment. Workbench provides Cloud9 containers for a variety of languages including Python, PHP, NodeJS, and Java.
Primary features
- Online editor with syntax highlighting
- Ubuntu workspace
- Built in terminal
Things to note
- Workbench stores data in /workspace only. All other data stored in-container will be lost after restart.
- Workbench provides access to a second development endpoint (8080). If you run services in the container on 8080, you can access them through this endpoint.