Seed Effort Work Breakdown Structure
Seed Effort Work Breakdown Structure
Future work
Current work
Completed work
1. NDS Labs
- Developer/User Tools
- Encapsulation of services
- e.g. Docker containers, JSON descriptions
- Determine how to encapsulate external instances of services as well (e.g. Globus, BrownDog, ...)
- Cluster provisioning & monitoring tools
- Command line tools leveraging Kubernetes to simplify the process of setting up a cluster
- Containerized ELK as standard service deployed
- Command line & REST API interface
- Allow users to setup new project spaces and add users
- Allow user to add a new service
- Allow user to select and deploy services
- Allow user to provision resources, e.g. amount of CPUs, storage, computation resource to use, storage resource to use
- Tools to monitor deployed services, start/stop services
- Graphical Web Interface on top of REST interface
- Catalog of available services
- Canvas to deploy/control services
- Links to deployed services
- Links to specific service logs
- GUI access to all CLI functionality (e.g. admin abilities)?
- Catalog of services
- Database of service (e.g. persistently within etcd)
- Easy means of updating added services (e.g. fetching latest versions)
- Web portal (i.e. app store like thing for service)
- Establish workflow for ingesting new services (as automatic and simple as possible)
- Ability to browse services along with documentation on each service (e.g. external links, APIs, ...)
- Database
- Interface allowing separate NDS Labs deployments to pull services from here
- Development Environment
- Encapsulate development environment around deployed tools and provide as a single container
- Documentation on developing within NDS Labs
- YouTube videos on developing within NDS Labs
- Standup official NDS Labs instance
- Deploy on resources such as Nebula
- Web interface to request account/access (will be used by pilots)
- Production Deployment Support
- Ability to issue a command or push a button from GUI to deploy on users resources (e.g. AWS)
- Explore means of indexing data added in future to deployed services (to be used by NDS share portal)
- Easy update mechanism to allow distributed instances to remain up to date
- Explore means of centralized authentication across resources as well as deployed services
- Maintenance
- Refactor code base, separate into distinct components
- Add documentation to code
- Encapsulation of services
- Support for Multiple Resources
- Modification of tools to abstract away underlying resources and allow multiple resources to be leveraged simultaneously
- Provide means of allow users to enter credentials (e.g. Amazon account, XRAC)
- Intelligent resourcing tools (e.g. select compute resources near data)
- Manual resourcing tools (e.g. CLI/GUI modifications allowing users to deploy specific services on specific resources)
- Migration tools to move services across underlying platforms
- Deploy official NDS Labs instance across available resources
- SDSC Cloud and TACC Rodeo
- PSC Jetstream
- Amazon
- Populate Services Catalog
- Select several technologies for each required NDS component (e.g. archives, publishing, etc.) and encapsulate them
- e.g. DataONE, IRODS, SciServer, ...
- Identify other relevant technologies for each required NDS component and engage its developers to encapsulate them
- Select several technologies for each required NDS component (e.g. archives, publishing, etc.) and encapsulate them
- Tool Launcher (as one mechanism of running code near data)
- Support for various data sources/services within NDS Labs
- Support for various tools within NDS Labs (e.g. Jupyter, RStudio, ...)
2. NDS Share
- Repository of Last Resort
- data.share.nationaldataservice.org
- Globus endpoint on NCSA hardware (santiago)
- Skinned front face
- ...
- Build up and categorize datasets per domain which can be utilized for experimentation with NDS Labs
- data.share.nationaldataservice.org
- NDS Share Portal
- Federated search across NDS component archives and NDS Labs deployed resources
- Utilize repos listed here: http://www.re3data.org/
- Pilot effort among DataNets/DIBBs
- Web interface
- Search box
- Catalog of available archives
- Federated search across NDS component archives and NDS Labs deployed resources
- Repository Recommender (decision support tool to suggest an archive machine database on a number of criteria, e.g. scientific domain)
- Explore leveraging DataNET SEAD virtual archive component
- Command Line tool
- Run in folder containing data
- Web Interface
- Data migration support
- Should an archive/repository being going away, identify a new archive, and a plan to move the data to the new repository (possibly and executable workflow)
- Should an archive/repository being going away, identify a new archive, and a plan to move the data to the new repository (possibly and executable workflow)
- Published datasets
- Identify storage options
- Mint DOIs
3. NDS Mission
- Protocols, Interfaces, Standards
- Work with RDA to identify standards that can be implemented within components that can be leveraged by US NDS
- Disseminate recommendations to components
- Serve as a testbed for RDA efforts
- Rice Genome Variant Discovery
- ...
- Rice Genome Variant Discovery
- Implementation tasks:
- Data Types Registry WG: Host DTR
- Data Types Registry WG: Add support in BrownDog to use DTR to identify types and generate previews
Data Description Registry Interoperability WG: Leverage Research Data Switchboard towards federated search portal in NDS Share
Data Description Registry Interoperability WG: Implement utilized protocols within collaborating archive efforts
Metadata Standards Directory WG: Add support for Metadata transformations in BrownDog, use case TERRA
- ...
- Work towards implementing standards within funded NDS efforts
- Towards data preservation within project and the long term data management of its data products
- Begin implementing support for:
- Adapters that transform native interface?
- Directly modify code?
- BagIt
- ...
- Work with RDA to identify standards that can be implemented within components that can be leveraged by US NDS
- Outreach
- NDSC Workshops
- Two per year
- NDS Labs and NDS Share Tutorials
- NDSC workshops
- YouTube recordings
- Other conferences, workshops, venues (e.g. IEEE eScience, SC, XSEDE, ...)
- NDS Labs and Share user support
- Pilot efforts
- Others?
- Community organization
- Committee recruitment and meetings
- Explore sustainability plans
- Maintain NDS wiki(s)
- Social media (e.g. Twitter, blog, etc...)
- NDS website
- NDSC Workshops