Data Management Plans

Data Management Plans

National Data Service Consortium

The National Data Service Consortium (NDSC) aims to enable national infrastructure for searching, publishing, linking, and reusing data through the fostering of interoperability among tools and services that address aspects of this problem.  The proposed effort will participate in the NDSC towards 1) the preservation and reuse of the data products produced through the tools that the NDSC brings together, 2) the sustainability of developed tools and services as components within a larger infrastructure, and 3) broader outreach of the developed tools and services through interoperability with other tools and services within the NDSC and its users.

For more specific data management aspects see the data management capabilities of a number of the NDSC components below.

NIST Materials Data Facility

Describe the data you will be generating, formats, sizes, etc.

Dataset contents will include primary research artifacts (i.e. files, directories, raw data, derived data, original codes, etc.) and associated metadata descriptions to aid future search and discovery, and to improve dataset reusability. Datasets will be annotated with metadata according to the Datacite Metadata Standard [1], the Prototype Materials-specific Metadata Schema as provided by NIST and the National Data Service [2], and additional metadata fields will be included as necessary.

All [datasets associated with publications | derived datasets | and raw datasets] generated by this project will be made available to the public via deposition at the Materials Data Facility (MDF) [by the conclusion of the project | as possible during the project | periodically throughout the project | as it is created | at least 90 days prior to award expiration ] [3]. Access to and use of the data will be unrestricted and free of charge.

Additional MDF functionality includes services to allow for researchers to 1) deposit large datasets (e.g. many TB); 2) leverage institutional, national, or group storage resources to archive their datasets; 3) associate unique and persistent identifiers; and 4) share their datasets directly with others. MDF also allows the broader community access, retrieve, and download dataset contents via standard HTTP methods or GridFTP for analysis;  and find and discover datasets from a centralized location by full text, range, and faceted searches.

[1] https://schema.datacite.org
[2] http://www.nationaldataservice.org
[3] http://www.materialsdatafacility.org


Download DMP Draft

NSF DIBBs Brown Dog

You can utilize Brown Dog as part of your Data Management Plan in order to preserve developed software and tools beyond the life of the project and do so in a manner that is callable and usable by others through the DAP or DTS services.  In addition usage metrics will be gathered and available to the tool creators as an additional impact measure of the resulting work.  Example text for the inclusion of Brown Dog in your Data Management Plan follows:

The data analysis/manipulation software developed here will be pushed into the NSF DIBBs: Brown Dog (ACI-1261582) project as data extractors/converters within the DTS and DAP, services providing automatic data annotations/analysis and format conversions as broadly usable internet resources.  Brown Dog aims to both provide services and tools to aid in the curation, accessing, and indexing of data as well as to preserve scientific software that might be leveraged for that purpose.  As Brown Dog extractors/converters, the capabilities of these tools will be preserved, will take part in an ecosystem of other extraction/conversion tools, and will be leverageable by others within the scientific community, perhaps in very different fields, as well as by the general public.



For additional information and resources please refer to the the Data Management Plan Tool here.  Example Data Management plans can also be found here on the DataONE page.

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