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What NDS Labs Provides
Cloud based computational/storage resources, e.g. Virtual Machines, towards development efforts aligned with the NDSC Charter/Vision
- NDS Labs Workbench
- Packaged, modular, and easily deployable services currently being explored and utilized towards addressing scientific data needs (e.g. NSF, NIST, NIH efforts such as the DataNETs, DIBBs, SSE/SSI program, etc.)
- Broken down into reusable / potentially interchangeable / individually scalable components
- Faster deployment (pre-packaged containers vs having to wait for each dependency to be installed)
- Broader user pool for contributing components
- Low level API interface by which to standup NDSC Services
- High level user friendly interface by which to standup NDSC Services
- Packaged, modular, and easily deployable services currently being explored and utilized towards addressing scientific data needs (e.g. NSF, NIST, NIH efforts such as the DataNETs, DIBBs, SSE/SSI program, etc.)
Getting Access
- Pilot projects:
- Users/developers can request access to NDS Labs by submitting a pilot project proposal briefly describing their effort and how it
- aligns with the NDSC mission: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1bJjipzXk2D2LlHDTgOkSNugsFug-kCfeVu3HvHeYQ2k/viewform?c=0&w=1
- Once reviewed by the NDSC Steering Committee and Technical Advisory Committee, if approved, they will be given an NDS Labs account. The NDS Labs account will in turn provide access to the underlying computation and storage (e.g. SDSC Cloud, TACC Rodeo, NCSA Nebula) resources as well as the ability to deploy NDS packaged services.