- Emails
- info@nationaldataservice.org (Questions about the NDSC)
- ndslabs-support@nationaldataservice.org (Support for the NDS Labs environment)
- Mailing Lists
- nds-announce@nationaldataservice.org (NDS Announcements)
- ndsc-steering@nationaldataservice.org (NDS Steering Committee)
- nds-exec@nationaldataservice.org (NDS Executive Committee)
- nds-tac@nationaldataservice.org (NDS Technical Advisory Committee)
- ncsa-nds-dev@nationaldataservice.org (NCSA Development Team list)
- discuss@nationaldataservice.org (NDS Discussion list) - retiring for google group?
- nds-announce@nationaldataservice.org (NDS Announcements)
- Google Group
- Slack
- Twitter
- https://twitter.com/NatDataService (@NatDataService)
- https://twitter.com/NatDataService (@NatDataService)
- YouTube
- https://nationaldataservice.atlassian.net/wiki/ (also http://wiki.nationaldataservice.org)
- https://opensource.ncsa.illinois.edu/confluence/display/NDS (development wiki)
- http://ndswiki.ncsa.illinois.edu (retired)
- https://wiki.ncsa.illinois.edu/display/NDS (retired)
- https://github.com/nds-org/ (chatroom: https://gitter.im/nds-org/ndslabs)
- https://bitbucket.org/nds-org/
- https://hub.docker.com/u/ndslabs/
Issue Tracking
- https://trello.com/nds_org_governance
- https://trello.com/b/oQRM22mi/nds-management (Project Office)
- https://trello.com/b/ROFp7iFi/nds-tac (TAC)
- https://trello.com/b/oQRM22mi/nds-management (Project Office)
Computation and Storage
Name | Resources |
TACC Rodeo | 40 CPU cores |
SDSC Cloud | 100 TB Swift, some block storage, some compute |
NCSA Nebula | 1 node |
NCSA Storage Condo | 100 TB (purchased?), Globus endpoint: ncsa#mdf |
Roger | 1 PB for TERRA |
Potential Computation & Storage
Name | Resources |
NCSA ISL Cephalopod | 250 TB Ceph object store, can upgrade to 1 PB for around $20k |
NCSA PSP Seagate ClusterStor 9000 | 1 PB Lustre |
NCSA PSP Seagate A200 | 3.5 PB beta tech object store |
SDSC Active Archive | 1 PB object store via S3 API |
UIUC Amazon Web Services |
Name | Resources |
NCSA | 2 Research Programmers, 1 Technical Coordinator, Project Manager, 0.5 Director |
Notre Dame | Staff time |
SDSC | 0.5 Director, 0.25 x 2 System Integration Engineers |
, multiple selections available,
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