Curbee is a publishing service with three primary components;
Curbee pipeline: a lightweight publishing workflow
PDT: a mongoDB repository of People, Data, Things used by the publishing services
SEAD Matchmaker: recommendation tool that selects repositories for deposit using information from PDT
GitHub repository:
Curbee Docker:
GitHub Wiki:
API Documentation:
Configuration Options
Curbee Docker container can be configured with the following parameters;
"people" Providers Configuration
# configuration parameters of "people" profile providers GOOGLE_API_KEY - API key of the Google LINKEDIN_API_KEY - API key of the Linked-In
Clowder Configuration
# if Clowder[https://sead2.ncsa.illinois.edu/] is used to publish datasets to Curbee CLOWDER_USER - Clowder Username CLOWDER_PW - Clowder Password
DOI Service Configuration
# if built-in DOI generation service is used DOI_SHOULDER_PROD - DOI Shoulder for permanent DOIs DOI_SHOULDER_TEST - DOI Shoulder for test/temporary DOIs DOI_USER - Username of EZID[https://ezid.cdlib.org/] DOI_PWD - Password of EZID
DataONE Member Node API Configuration
# if datasets needed to be cataloged in DataONE[https://www.dataone.org/about] # example configuration : https://cn.dataone.org/cn/v1/node/urn:node:SEAD DATAONE_NODE_IDENTIFIER DATAONE_CONTACT_SUBJECT DATAONE_BASE_URL #synchronization schedule DATAONE_SYNC_YEAR - default '*' DATAONE_SYNC_MONTH - default '*' DATAONE_SYNC_DAYM - default '*' DATAONE_SYNC_DAYW - default '?' DATAONE_SYNC_HOUR - default '*' DATAONE_SYNC_MIN - default '0/3' DATAONE_SYNC_SEC - default '45' #email credentials - email to notify DataONE MN API related errors DATAONE_EMAIL_USERNAME DATAONE_EMAIL_PASSWORD